Special Educational Needs
Carshalton Boys Sports College is committed to ensuring all students have equal access to our broad and balanced curriculum. The autonomy of each department allows them to cater for students’ needs according to their different personnel, organisation and type of subject by delivering Quality First Teaching. In some subjects this may mean small groups of SEN (Special Educational Needs) pupils working together, individual in-class support or extension groups for the more able students.
The school has a SEN Co-ordinator who coordinates support teaching and liaises with the support services of students with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or students with a specific need.
The London Borough of Sutton’s Local Offer can be found on the borough website | Sutton's Local Offer - Sutton Council |
The Assistant SENCo at Carshalton Boys Sports College is Ms Alison Morgan | amorgan@carshaltonboys.org |
The SENCo & Assistant Principal responsible for SEN is Mr Paul Farr | pfarr@carshaltonboys.org |
The named Deputy Principal responsible for Inclusion and SEN is Mr Paul Avery | pavery@carshaltonboys.org |