Latest News
- 21/09/20
CBSC Wellbeing
We are committed to championing the wellbeing of our students and staff.Read Full Story - 17/09/20
September 2020 Update Letter
Thank you for your continued support in getting all pupils back into school safely over the past month. All of us are committed to providing the best education possible for your child, while securing the health and safety of our whole school community. Thank you for continuing to follow public healt...Read Full Story - 09/09/20
Love & Pride Mural
One of the many ways that we marked ‘Pride Inside’ in June was to ask our students and staff to answer the question ‘what does love feel like?’. We received hundreds of responses. These responses were used to create a lasting mural to celebrate all love entitled LOVE&PRID...Read Full Story - 03/09/20
Restricted entry to Winchcombe Road
The London Borough of Sutton along with other London Boroughs have joined the School Streets scheme to restrict traffic congestion and aid social distancing. This scheme includes many schools in the borough, including Carshalton Boys. Further details about the scheme can be found on the following...Read Full Story